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    4 years ago


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    Colorado Springs







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    彼は 3 レヴェルに達しました
    4 years ago
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    4 years ago

    this is a nicer looking UI compared to MTGO. more simplified designation for priority passing. and I love that they adopted the ability to play limited matches spread out (even though you pair against random pools)

    i give it 4.25/5

    TheMagicOrder badge
    TheMagicOrder avatar
    4 years ago

    thanks for the update. will have to grab afew of these for sure

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    A user and HannaMop are friends now
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    タスクをコンプリートしました: Battle Warship: Naval Empire.
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    タスクをコンプリートしました: Battle Warship: Naval Empire.
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    A user and luxspit are friends now
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