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    altanumut93 Flag tr

    1 year ago


    altanumut93 badge
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    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2000 KD | 1500 KD | 1000 KD |
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2000 KD | 1500 KD | 1000 KD |
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway Free Weekly Giveaway
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    報酬を受け取りました- AK-47 | Safari Mesh.
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2000 KD | 1500 KD | 1000 KD |
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2000 KD | 1500 KD | 1000 KD |
    2 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2500 KD | 2000 KD | 1500 KD |
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2500 KD | 2000 KD | 1500 KD |
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway 2500 KD | 2000 KD | 1500 KD |
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    A user and Anik0001 are friends now
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway Chivalry 2 | Loop Hero | Persona 4 Golden |
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway AUG | Storm (Field-Tested) Giveaway
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    報酬を受け取りました- Gorky 17 VIP.
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    報酬を受け取りました- 1 Robux.
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway NBA 2K21 Steam | The Surge 2 | Bayonetta |
    3 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway FAMAS | Colony (Field-Tested) Giveaway
    4 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    He took part in a giveaway GA Random Games
    4 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    A user and rakesh_rakey are friends now
    4 years ago
    altanumut93 badge
    altanumut93 avatar
    A user and Mahbubhasan are friends now
    4 years ago



    One of the most popular economic strategy browser games. Ikariam puts us in place of an ancient ruler, slowly developing his empire from, initially, a small Greek village. Obviously, as for every strategy game, we need resources, in which will be based our economy. Through them we can expand our buildings, make an army and slowl...

    Metin 2

    Metin 2 is a quite popular example of a free-to-play MMORPG game. We can choose between five different character classes: a Sura, a Shaman, a Warrior, a Ninja and a Lycan. Each of them is characterized by his own gameplay; however they’re doing very well in various combinations as a team. The Warrior, which is the epitome of gre...

    War Thunder

    私たちが戦争ゲームやタンクゲームの人気を見たときに、似たようなテーマとメカニックを持つゲームが有名な出版社に対してチャンスを生かせるかどうかを確かめなければなりません。 しかし、彼らはできるでしょう。 そして、このロシアのゲーム「War Thunder」がさまざまな点でWoTに勝利したため、チャンスを逃すことはありません。最初はユニットのタイプを選択できます。軍隊の場合は、米国、ドイツ、ソ連、英国の4つの可能性があります。空軍は私たちに日本の国家を提供します。基本的な車両だけにアクセスできるようにしてゲームを始めるが、熟考された進歩システムのおかげで、その後、より高度なユニットのロックを解除することができます。重い戦車やジェット機(これは、第二次世界大...


    Are you an angel? Or maybe a devil? Discover that in AION! Pick from one of the conflicted sides: Asmodian and Elyos, perpetually fighting with each other, or the cruelly evil Balaurs! Make progress as your character by eight different ways, at your own discretion and enjoy the beautiful, open world of Aion. Stunning graphics, w...

    Star Conflict

    Star Conflict is a MMO game that is an incredibly extended space simulation. As in all games of this type, we can choose to play alone and carry out the missions or to play in a team where the cooperation is one of the most important features! The part of creating our character is a very interesting aspect of this game. So, ther...

    World of Warships

    Become a Commander and plunge into global naval history!The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to the First and Second World Wars. Find out which warship type suits you best, and amass a navy of your own.Choose the flag you want to sail under. In WoWs, you can pick from the world's leading naval forces....

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