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    ha ritirato il premio 1 Robux.
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    ha ritirato il premio 1 Robux.
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    ha ritirato il premio 1 Robux.
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    Ha raggiunto il 3 livello
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    ha ritirato il premio 20 Robux.
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    Ha raggiunto il 3 livello
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    Ha commentato Pokemon Heartgold review.
    4 anni fa

    i love it because it have mission and quest :D

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    Ha commentato Valorant-An Honest Review.
    4 anni fa

    cool bruh nice artcle and good work!

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    4 anni fa

    oh so this is why it doesn't work on Linux. Yeah, anticheat working on the kernel level is a big cybersecurity no-no. If someone finds a vulnerability in the anticheat system (and they likely will), they potentially have access (on a kernel level!) to all pcs that have this anticheat system. Thanks for the article, I was not aware they used this kind of anticheat. :D

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    Ha commentato Gamehag Discord Channel.
    4 anni fa

    Great Job! Gamehag i like this page

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    4 anni fa

    Good Worth BRUH! I LIKE IT

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    Ha commentato Dragon Awaken.
    4 anni fa

    I like to the pets evoldved! :D but godd Game

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    L'utente e MariaKoob sono amici adesso
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    L'utente e deleted_1592680240 sono amici adesso
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    L'utente e deleted_1592668978 sono amici adesso
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    L'utente e MariaKeb sono amici adesso
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    Ha commentato Gamehag Discord Channel.
    4 anni fa

    Gamegah is so very very so good!

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    4 anni fa

    I Like that game have a power!

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    4 anni fa

    Who the most powerful in the game? :D

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