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    Cristian63637 Flag ro

    9 mesi fa

    Il Babbano

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Targu Mures


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    Ultima attività dell'utente

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato World of Tanks.
    4 anni fa

    I think the game deserves atleast a try you will like it if you like war games great game but still underdog. i think its best game

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha raggiunto il 2 livello
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha preso parte nel giveaway SUDOKU TIME
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato Forge of Empires.
    4 anni fa

    It is so hard to reach to the iron age and there is almost none gems for it, I d

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento Terraria: Journey's End Update Part II.
    4 anni fa

    Windy Day is an event in Terraria that results in increased wind speeds and more clouds in the background of your world. This weather is also ideal for flying kites. The Kite is a new item that can be used by the player to simulate flying a kite. There are a bunch of Kites in the game, Kites like the Blue Kite, Red Kite, Bunny Kite, Goldfish Kite, Wyvern Kite, and even a Pin Wheel.

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento what is MINECRAFT?.
    4 anni fa


    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento trach game.
    4 anni fa

    Roblox is for everyone, funny you mentioned that

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento Roblox is for everyone.
    4 anni fa

    hello !! good game Roblox is for everyone, funny you

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento Talk about adopt me game in roblox!.
    4 anni fa

    i am not like the others, i am not 7, 8, 9, 10. I am much older but i have to say that roblox is a very friendly game, as long as you are playing wisely in the way that scammers and hackers will trick you into doing something.

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento Is fortnite bad or its just the community?.
    4 anni fa

    didn't collect my gems for the taks, just been rejected with a clueless explanation that my account wasn't a new one...that's ridicilous giving the fact i played only for 3 hours same day i managed to download the game itself and completed the task... and then they adviced me to create a new acc and resent a screenshot once again...u know w

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha preso parte nel giveaway Block Competition
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha commentato l'argomento how to get MORE EXP.
    4 anni fa

    how to obtain robux free?

    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e iulia1 sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    Ha raggiunto il 2 livello
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e MariaJuks sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e deleted_1601728668 sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e HannaTof sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e deleted_1598980331 sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e deleted_1598980317 sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa
    Cristian63637 badge
    Cristian63637 avatar
    L'utente e MariaOop sono amici adesso
    4 anni fa


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