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    3 anni fa

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    Asparkan badge
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    Ha commentato Darkmoon Realm.
    5 anni fa

    Мне понравилось. Нашел куда потратить лишнее время.))

    Asparkan badge
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    ha eseguito il compito nel gioco Darkmoon Realm.
    5 anni fa
    Asparkan badge
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    Ha commentato Plague Inc.
    5 anni fa

    Эта игра скорее всего вызывала какую то лихорадку в мозгу

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    Ha raggiunto il 2 livello
    5 anni fa
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    Ha commentato Geometry Dash.
    5 anni fa

    Очень интересно. Только ничего не понятно. Запутано очень

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    ArcheAge is a MMO action game set in a fantastic world created by a famous Korean writer, which is overwhelmed by a conflict between two major factions – the inhabitants of the Nuia continent, and those from Harihara. West and east: the west being inhabited by the Nuians (the Human) and the Elves, a race characterized by t...

    Darkmoon Realm

    Darkmoon Realm is a free role-playing game for mobile phones full of interesting heroes, beautiful locations and spectacular fights. In this fantastic game you are transferred to a colorful world full of wonders and magic. Create a guild or play alone, hunt demons and climb to the top of the rankings. Travel huge dungeons that h...

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