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    Descrizione del gioco Wargame 1942

    Wargame 1942 is a browser game set during the World War 2! So it means that the player is a participant of one of the biggest wars of this world. Everything depends of the decisions you’ll make. Just like in other strategy games, the player received a city at his disposal, which has to be expanded. It is really important to acquire resource and to develop the infrastructure and army. The path taken by the player and the way he leads his fights are very important. They may influence the fate of the virtual World War 2. Be an excellent diplomat, fight for your beliefs, remain honorable or lead your own game in order to achieve your own ambitions. As a great leader you should remember about the security of your country, the protection of its borders and economic development. It is also essential to participate in the whole war. Will you be an active part of it, or remain neutral? There are many possibilities and a tactical, as well as strategy minded player shall be a great part of the history!

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    Opinioni su Wargame 1942

    Non lo conosco come gioco ma se tratta di guerra solo non so..belli però i personaggi, fatti bene

    12 febbraio 2022 11:30

    Premi per Wargame 1942

    Ora non ci sono premi per il gioco Wargame 1942. Scopri i nostri premi per altri giochi!

    News su Wargame 1942

    Questo gioco non ha ancora nessun articolo.

    Sapevi che ottieni le Pietre dell'Anima anche valutando gli articoli degli altri utenti, e scrivendone di propri puoi ottenere fino a 250Soulstone?

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    Forum Wargame 1942

    Discorsi recenti

    Non lo conosco come gioco ma se tratta di guerra solo non so..belli però i personaggi, fatti bene

    12 febbraio 2022 11:30