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    Descrizione del gioco Souverain des Dragons

    Would you like to become a dragon knight? There is a chance for you to immerse in the fantasy world where you may possess the power of the great mysterious creatures. You will be able to develop your character that was drawn from the history and mythology. The best part of this browser RPG game, called Souverain des Dragons, is that you don't need to download anything, the only thing you have to do is to relax and enjoy the 3D engine with the varied background and the excellent graphics. Don't be afraid during the battles – with your hero and the help of the Dragons you will experience the extraordinary fights. Whenever you want to improve your stats, try to get some Astrals in the Astro System and choose your best way to develop your hero during the game. Explore the world with the exceptional dungeon system in which you need to unlock all the existing dungeons. Show off your skills and stand up and fight as the best dragon knight!

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    Opinioni su Souverain des Dragons

    che gioco è??

    5 ottobre 2018 18:05

    un altro gioco 2d con compiti lunghissimi da fare

    15 ottobre 2021 08:26

    Premi per Souverain des Dragons

    Ora non ci sono premi per il gioco Souverain des Dragons. Scopri i nostri premi per altri giochi!

    News su Souverain des Dragons

    Questo gioco non ha ancora nessun articolo.

    Sapevi che ottieni le Pietre dell'Anima anche valutando gli articoli degli altri utenti, e scrivendone di propri puoi ottenere fino a 250Soulstone?

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    Forum Souverain des Dragons

    Discorsi recenti

    che gioco è??

    5 ottobre 2018 18:05

    un altro gioco 2d con compiti lunghissimi da fare

    15 ottobre 2021 08:26