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    Come funziona

    Descrizione del gioco Rising Cities

    Rising Cities is a free browser game which some players may associate with the world famous game: SimCity. This type of games attracts multitude of followers and the deal is to create from scratch your own city and then develop it. At first, we start from deciding where we build the roads and which place would be the best to create the residential areas, plants or the workplace. All decisions are very significant and have an impact on the future events. Wealthier and more developed your city is, more beneficial transactions you can make with mayors of other cities. Thanks to those transactions you may increase your revenue, what is certainly a very important factor of this game. You have to take care not only of the appearance and cleanliness of your city or the location of the buildings, but also you have to pay attention to satisfy your own citizens! Each individual person who lives in your city, express their own desires. Make sure that you provide the necessary entertainment or public transportation, but don't forget about the taxes. Be a good and righteous mayor! That's the key to success.

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    Opinioni su Rising Cities

    Mai giocato a questo gioco :/

    21 settembre 2017 18:24

    Non e male,molto carino.

    16 ottobre 2017 21:07

    Non lo conosco come gioco ma che carino però..bella la grafica e i colori, l'ambiente

    5 settembre 2021 11:23

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    Questo gioco non ha ancora nessun articolo.

    Sapevi che ottieni le Pietre dell'Anima anche valutando gli articoli degli altri utenti, e scrivendone di propri puoi ottenere fino a 250Soulstone?

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    Mai giocato a questo gioco :/

    21 settembre 2017 18:24

    Non e male,molto carino.

    16 ottobre 2017 21:07

    Non lo conosco come gioco ma che carino però..bella la grafica e i colori, l'ambiente

    5 settembre 2021 11:23