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    Descrizione del gioco My Free Farm

    My Free Farm is, as you can guess, a game, where we're playing as a farmer and where we stand in front of a very important mission - growing plants and animal husbandry. My Free Farm is a free browser game, so we can play it at any moment, just to take care of our crops. Starting with carrots, we’re expanding slowly and unblocking newer and newer plants to grow and animals, which we have to treat carefully. In this purpose we’ll have to build different kinds of farm buildings and provide food and water for the animals. The cultivated fruits and vegetables will have to be processed into real products, so that we will be able to gain some money by selling it into a nearby village. The experience we get will give us an access to increasingly difficult plants to grow, animals requiring much more care but also providing us more gain. In other words - we can always evolve. In this game, we can create a farmer club to unite those who’re playing with friends. Together you can decorate the club and take part of various contests with other clubs in the game. My Free Farm is a pleasant game, filling up our free time during the day and certainly worth playing. Create your farm today!

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