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    Descrizione del gioco Generals of War

    Step back in time and take part in the First World War. As in any other browser strategies, we’re starting by expanding our city, where we’ll get resources necessary to construct new buildings and train our troops. In game, you’ll find many players with whom you’ll have a good time and who’ll be glad to help you. The graphics - grey and grim, are introducing us into the world of war, so that you’ll have easier to adapt yourself into the game’s theme and feel on yourself the war’s reality. It’s also a good idea to join a guild and grow up with other players - there’s safety in numbers!

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    Opinioni su Generals of War

    Gioco strano 5/10

    20 ottobre 2017 20:06

    Bel gioco di guerra voto però 7/10v

    25 aprile 2020 09:13

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    Questo gioco non ha ancora nessun articolo.

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    Gioco strano 5/10

    20 ottobre 2017 20:06

    Bel gioco di guerra voto però 7/10v

    25 aprile 2020 09:13