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    About Sphere 3

    "Sphere 3: Enchanted World" is a continuation of the first Russian client game in the MMORPG genre, released in 2003, called Sphere. The new project is largely focused on PvP, although with advanced capabilities in passing in the "player versus player" format, there is also a developed scenario line in the style of the classic "fantasy". At the moment, the game will find more than 1000 quests, designed for approximately 600 hours in the game, revealing a history of confrontation between four races, rich in political intrigues and betrayals. Further, players without any problems can go deep into PvP, the central element of which is massive siege of castles, generously scattered throughout the Sphere. In addition, special modes are provided for advanced characters, including epic missions (global quests that require the participation of several players at once and guarantee valuable game items as a reward). Fights between players can take place anywhere in the game world, with the exception of starting zones and some special locations. The game received a new combat system, where the user can independently determine the object of attack with a sight, it offers a high degree of freedom for experienced warriors and a friendly mode for beginners.

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