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    How it works

    About Sparta: War of Empires

    Sparta: War of Empires is a MMORTS game set in the ancient times, where we’re playing as a ruler defending his people from the ruthless army of Persians.

    The game, besides a great storyline, can boast sensational graphics and fantastic Jesper Kyd’s music, who’s already done soundtrack for such games as Assassin’s Creed and Hitman.

    As it happens in the strategy games, in order to defeat Xerxes, we have to expand our military and economic powers. Another thing may be useful are the alliances with other players. This is the only way to restore in our country its former glory and enter the Golden Age.

    1700 users are playing Sparta: War of Empires

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    Opinions about Sparta: War of Empires

    Sparta: War of Empires is very good game i start play every day

    24 july 2020 13:30

    this game is broken as ****. i mean its true **** true.

    20 november 2020 17:16

    Sparta: War of Empires is copy of one game who created this game

    19 july 2020 10:42

    Huh....wondering what this is...could any of you tell me?

    15 december 2019 13:04

    Sparta: War of Empires is strategy game like warcraft 3

    10 january 2021 17:16

    Rewards for Sparta: War of Empires

    We currently don't have any rewards for Sparta: War of Empires. Check out our other rewards!

    News about Sparta: War of Empires

    This game doesn't have any article.

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    Sparta: War of Empires is very good game i start play every day

    24 july 2020 13:30

    this game is broken as ****. i mean its true **** true.

    20 november 2020 17:16

    Sparta: War of Empires is copy of one game who created this game

    19 july 2020 10:42

    Huh....wondering what this is...could any of you tell me?

    15 december 2019 13:04

    Sparta: War of Empires is strategy game like warcraft 3

    10 january 2021 17:16