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    What to do with non-English articles?

    I'm not sure what to do with these, though I've only found one so far. I can't really vote when I can't even understand anything, so should I mark this as plagiarized/spam articles or give all positive feedback? I won't bother with google translate if I don't know what language it is.

    7 april 2019 12:02 1628

    Dude... Dont mark them spam.... It can cause exp reduction

    7 april 2019 12:11 1628

    I'm not revealing any personal details here, so please don't spam.

    7 april 2019 12:11 1628

    @Pigeon04 That's why I'm asking. I don't have the heart to mark them spam anyway, but I really don't know what to do when I don't understand what they're writing.

    7 april 2019 12:13 1628

    mark the non-english articles (and comments) as spam.majority of this community knows english at common,but only a little part doesnt.they shouldnt be sending articles that literally no one understand(and actually,most of them look like spam)

    7 april 2019 12:24 1628

    I marked that last one article as spam, because I have absolutely no clue what language it was. I'll be marking them as spam next time too, after reading more from you guys.

    7 april 2019 12:27 1628

    Every article can be written again! Except for spam article, it will take down auto by the system and user can't submit that kind of article again! You should thumb down for everyone that not good, it is good then push the spam button except spammer.

    8 april 2019 13:34 1628

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