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    How it works

    Dont buy chests!

    I opened the same chest (goner chest) 8 times in a row, and got a 99 cent game every time, even though it looks like its a very small chance to get it.

    3 april 2019 01:29 1628

    so you think you can beat the RNG where the favor is on their site?! XD lower your expectations mate!

    3 april 2019 01:36 1628

    well, that was a complete waste of gems, word of advice? read thread topics before you purchase anything


    3 april 2019 02:39 1628

    I got ninja from hell vs reptiloids from steam chest and it is 99 cent

    3 april 2019 07:58 1628

    I think you're a bit harsh on the hag 😀. Rng is Rng... I'm sure someone got smth good from a chest. Imo keep on trying and you'll change your opinion. Just like lottery, ppl don't win but they keep on playing. Keep your hopes up!!!

    3 april 2019 23:20 1628

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