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    TES 3: MORROWIND free on Bethesda Website

    Hey! Yeah, you read right: Bethesda is giving away the Elder Scrolls Morrowind as part of The Elder Scrolls 25th anniversary.
    Go to bethesda.net and check it out.
    On a side note. Please let me know if anyone can redeem the game. I have created 2 accounts and haven't been able to log in due to "Incorrect username/password", and I've changed my password 4 TIMES already. And even cleared cookies and all that stuff.
    Thanks, and have fun!

    EDIT: I found a solution! The site must be overloaded or something, I can log in normally on the Bethesda Client.

    25 march 2019 18:55 1628

    Me i want it

    25 march 2019 18:59 1628

    then go to bethesda.net and check it out

    25 march 2019 19:00 1628

    Hey i wrote same thread about that game few hours before you did and moderators have removed it again!! Do you know what is going on? :((
    I have shared a lot of free games lately and only few threads survived...

    PS. thanks for the info!! :)

    25 march 2019 21:26 1628

    This is hardly interesting news, if it were free on Steam or in the Epic Store, then maybe.

    25 march 2019 21:58 1628

    @sparrow94 first, sorry for the late reply. Honestly I don't know what could've caused that, since it's just a plain announcement.

    @DarianTT I know it's less interesting since it's on an isolated less popular platform, but still. It's for the interest of those who want the game.

    1 april 2019 08:44 1628

    I don't want to download anymore game launchers ive already have many they should give it free on stream

    1 april 2019 17:18 1628

    Is event over? I could not find

    2 april 2019 20:50 1628

    Yeah, I believe it was only for the anniversary day. I'm gonna close the thread so as to avoid misleading any more people

    2 april 2019 21:16 1628

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