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    How it works

    Reaching Level 6

    when will i reach lvl.6?
    how much soul gems do i need?
    my friend told me that it used to be on 2400 SG but things have changed now and became a bit harder

    21 march 2019 17:29 1628

    You level up by gaining XP, not Soul Gems. Best way to level up fast and get Soul Gems is to play game and complete tasks or carry out contracts! Good luck on it.

    21 march 2019 18:28 1628

    Experience and SoulGems are two different matters. reaching 2400 is related to level 6, there is also a case that maybe your friend wants to mention, it means after completing multiple gamehag tasks and earn 2400 then you will be level 6 and it is because of completing the tasks not because of soul gems.

    21 march 2019 18:53 1628

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