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    News: only articles about TRENDING game would be accepted from now on

    Just this morning my Fallout: New Vegas review was rejected, and the reason cited by the moderator is a new criterion: the Gamehag Team now only accept trending game articles. It's possible this new criterion is put inplace because trending game articles would attract newcomers to the site and/or generate greater discussion values.

    16 march 2019 11:26 1628

    Thank u for the information. But I think, this is obvious, why should I be interested in the game that I have been played 5 years ago?!

    16 march 2019 11:39 1628

    Because you can't possibly play every game in existence, so of course some good games would slip past your radar. A good review could bring you back to play them. On the other hand for trendy ones you already have a plethora of gaming sites cover them, so one more review wouldn't amount to much if anything. Focusing only on trendy games is a mistake in my opinion.

    16 march 2019 12:53 1628

    Maybe this is a way to avoid plagiarising of articles as there are many where people can just go to a back catalog of an online reviewer and copy and paste. We shall have to see how this plays out, but unfortunately this might mean there will be 10 new submissions for CsGo, Roblux etc.

    16 march 2019 18:48 1628

    Why would it be easier for someone to successfully plagiarize from old internet article back catalogs compared to new articles for newer games? Those old back catalogs are probably all indexed by google, just like new game reviews. So checking for plagiarism would involve searching on google for similar sentences regardless of whether the plagarizer used old or new source material. Maybe I'm missing something?

    17 march 2019 22:04 1628

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