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    How it works

    Requirements to become moderator

    How to become moderator ?

    6 march 2019 04:10 1628

    @outsiderone These two links should be able to answer your question.



    6 march 2019 13:11 1628

    keep in mind it is not that easy to be a moderator, you think it is but it is not. :)
    at least for people like me it is easy LoL

    6 march 2019 21:39 1628

    And even people like us that lurk around here all the time (yazdan & I) haven't been able to become mods. They just have enough mods already.

    7 march 2019 04:15 1628

    Its a very high demanding position, plus not only you need to keep an eye on facebook page for when the applications will be available but also you need to be very active on forums like reporting spam and also especially in voting articles/ writing articles place you need to be very good at that as well. Still best of luck i hope you do atleast get an opportunity to apply atleast best of luck!!

    7 march 2019 04:16 1628

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