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    Lego the lord of the rings

    Hey guys, i have lego lord of the rings steam key, i already own the game, does anyone want to exchange for the darkness 2, or at least send me remaining diamonds in order for me to get it, the darkness 2 costs 899 i think and i have 281... I appreciate it.

    2 march 2019 00:34 1628

    Why would someone want to give you gems for a game that has been given away free multiple times now?

    2 march 2019 03:13 1628

    would you like to trade for "Sniper Tanks" ?
    it is a good deal

    2 march 2019 13:01 1628

    Like i knew about those giveaways... Any way i gave code to my friend.

    2 march 2019 15:58 1628

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