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    How it works

    Duration of the chest

    When will chests from inventory disappear in January and in 2018? Generally, when there is a chest in the inventory, how much time is given for more discovery?

    28 february 2019 12:51 1628

    I believe it dont disapear

    28 february 2019 12:57 1628

    Disappeared already. It was necessary to collect 3500 sg, I did not have time and the chests were gone

    28 february 2019 13:42 1628

    Yes, make sure you collect it in time or it will disappearar!

    28 february 2019 16:09 1628

    Did you read when you answered the question? I asked how long it would disappear? I already know that he will be lost ....

    28 february 2019 17:04 1628

    I did it, but I only got crappy runes I'll never use from the chests. I wonder if anyone ever gets a decent game out of any chest? I've bought 2 with gems and gotten 2 stupid random steam keys that were worth a total of 0.99c. What a waste of gems.

    4 march 2019 04:10 1628

    You just have to fill the posts? All sorts of nonsense writing. I would read the question normally

    4 march 2019 10:26 1628

    Well, i read. The exp of the chest will be posted in discord sever when the chest release!

    4 march 2019 11:31 1628

    Tekhour,I did not answer you. You have no questions. There, another person wrote for the runes and did not answer the question. There is not even a single rune, he just wrote a meaningless comment

    4 march 2019 13:28 1628

    I have already opened both chests. A friend will not have time to do it and we will check how much time is given for their discovery. I will write here and the question will be exhausted

    4 march 2019 13:29 1628

    Sadly, I haven't found any clue on when the current chests (Chest of the Year and January Premieres) expire. I've searched on the Discord Server, Facebook page and Twitter account and nothing. I haven't got them either, but I guess they'll be gone soon enough.
    I asked in the Server, maybe they'll give me an answer soon enough. If they do, I'll post another comment.

    5 march 2019 04:33 1628

    They disappeared 3 days ago approximately. And immediately added 3 new chests. So the previous ones lasted more than a month. One for a week more, another exactly one month

    16 march 2019 09:45 1628

    @mishka_kichera iam not answering the question you asked , but i just want to say you that please dont reply so many times because these replies count as spam and you wont gain xp.

    16 march 2019 10:46 1628

    These responses should not be considered spam. Since I answer the essence of this topic. And the question is closed, so I close the topic.

    16 march 2019 12:15 1628

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