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    Too big map

    This map is just too big in 90 percent of games,there is like a 10 players and the map is 1200 times bigger then it should.They should make a map smaller or just zone needs to be faster

    25 february 2019 12:43 3272

    Yeah I have the same problem

    25 february 2019 13:55 3272

    its my problem my phone nit very good

    1 april 2020 22:05 3272

    My phone is iphone 5s i need more money

    1 april 2020 22:05 3272

    the map is realy big but the blue wall counters this nicley, also if the map was small then it would be much more difficult to get loot as more players are in the same area and probably already looted that building several times , or you know will just camp and kill you

    2 april 2020 14:43 3272

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