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    Video card selection

    If you were asked to buy a video card, you would choose NVIDIA or AMD.

    18 february 2019 15:13 1628

    If you have money go for nvidia,if you are on budget go for amd

    23 february 2019 19:54 1628

    I tend to go with NVidia always, when buying a card. Here's why:
    1. I'm more familiar with NVidia
    2. I play X-Plane 11 and it's poorly optimized for AMD cards
    3. The driver support for AMD cards in Linux are worse, at least for older AMD cards

    That being said, AMD has some great offerings. If you only use Windows and you're not interested in X-Plane 11, I'd say go with what ever you find on-sale, as long as it's powerful enough for what you need it to do.

    27 february 2019 05:10 1628

    If you play the game with full of overclocking ADM is the best. But if you want to play without overheat problem than NVIDA is good.

    27 february 2019 06:11 1628

    One extra caveat: I mentioned buying what's on sale, as long as it's powerful enough, and I stand by that, as long as the card in consideration doesn't present poor price to performace to begin with.

    For example, the GT 1030 DDR4 edition is terrible. It's only about 50% as powerful as the GDDR5 version, but priced about the same. Also, the new RTX cards from NVidia are powerful, and you might decide to purchase one if you want every bit of performance you can get. But, they don't have the best price to performance right now. Also, there have been some problems with the reliability of some RTX cards, due to one particular supplier of GDDR6 producing unreliable memory, which was used on some RTX cards. It's luck of the draw whether you'd receive a card with memory from that manufacturer.

    27 february 2019 18:50 1628

    My advice would be to stick to 1080 (or lower resolutions) this way the prices of cards (required) don't carry a massive premium. Though Nvidia is yet to release the Turing __50 card. (GTX 1650 ?)
    For years now AMD cards have been uncompetive and terribly inefficient. Since then Nvidia has been raising prices every generation. AMD's last card Radeon VII is basically something out of Mad Max, or out of Mythbusters when they strapped a rocket engne on a car. So did AMD by pairing ridiculously fast 16 GB of HBM memory with their rather small Vega GPU, overclocking it to the absolute thermal limit (on AIR).
    But in 2020 Intel will realease their desrete graphics cards, so we'll have some competition again, competition that isn't broke and desperate.

    27 february 2019 22:44 1628

    I'd go for nvidia honestly. I'm more fond with its system + most of the "budget" gpus from nvidia are quite the bargain compare to amd on online shopping. Though that might change as we speak

    28 february 2019 23:20 1628

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