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    i won 5 battles and its not accepted

    i need help with this because idk where to show how many battles i won can someone help guide me where to go to share how many wins i got?

    17 february 2019 04:49 11

    same .. mine is also not accepted :(

    17 february 2019 05:38 11

    mine too

    17 february 2019 08:21 11


    17 february 2019 14:05 11

    it's telling me this "The screenshot should show the entire screen, and the task must be clearly visible. Any attempts to cheat will be punished with the rejection of prizes and ban without a possibility to appeal!" and i showed my entire screen maybe because i'm on GeforceNow i hope thats not the reason because its always fullscreen and i can't change it to window mode.

    17 february 2019 19:58 11

    I just try to contact Missy before I submit my screenshot and for some reason it gives me a higher chance of getting accepted, not sure if it works for everyone, but worth a try.

    18 february 2019 05:14 11

    screen shot with the f12 key plus shift or which one it is and have your mouse over the victory tab for a better chance.

    18 february 2019 14:02 11

    it doesent work for me either

    19 february 2019 11:11 11

    wekk uf you have more than one account gamehag will automatically reject ur :(

    19 february 2019 19:18 11

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