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    Best 6300ip champion in your opinion?

    These champions are expensive so I would like to know everyone's opinion on which one to get first.

    27 january 2019 21:27 77

    yea easy liga legend

    27 january 2019 21:28 77

    yasuo maybe 😀😃

    28 january 2019 00:51 77

    You should get one you like.Try them in a free champ rotation and see what you like.

    28 february 2019 12:16 77

    I like illaoi

    3 march 2019 20:12 77

    Pyke is a nice 6300IP Champion. You need to know how to play him good though...

    6 march 2019 04:42 77

    yasuo. but too hard to master him.

    14 april 2019 20:02 77

    Lucian he is really good when you understand how to play him

    15 april 2019 01:52 77

    xayah and rakan :)

    15 april 2019 17:28 77

    yasuo is probably the best

    23 april 2019 10:30 77

    Jinx, she's really simple of u wanna play adc

    4 august 2019 05:14 77


    4 august 2019 06:36 77

    очень крутая игра скачивайте не пожилеете супер и отлична

    4 august 2019 08:22 77

    I'd say aatrox because of his carry, and can tank for the team, strong early game also

    4 august 2019 08:37 77

    xayah would be my pick if u like adc

    7 august 2019 06:31 77

    the best hero i vel'koz

    7 august 2019 23:54 77

    azir, master in midgame and lategame. he is the game changer

    8 august 2019 02:39 77

    These champions are expensive so I would like to know everyone's opinion on which one to get first.

    8 august 2019 21:09 77

    new character

    12 august 2019 13:16 77

    Tresh can be a game changer

    13 august 2019 19:39 77

    This question really isn't answerable. In the right hands almost all champions are equally viable (ongoing balance aside). The trick is to decide which role you enjoy most, look at the champs which can fill this role, and try them out during free-weeks to get a feel for which are fun for you to play.

    Also, if you've got just over 6300 IP to spend, don't feel like you need to spend it on a single champ instead of a bunch of cheaper ones. A champ's cost has virtually nothing to do with its quality. More a reflection on how old they are. If I were a young player with 6300 IP to spend, I'd probably buy up the whole cheapest tier first and start learning them. That gives you:

    ADC - Ashe, Sivir
    Mid - Annie, Ryze
    Top - Kayle, Garen, Poppy
    Jungle - Yi, Warwick, Nunu
    Support - Soraka
    (Of course you can shuffle these roles around some such as ww top, sora mid, etc)

    Almost all of these champs are played at the top tier competitive level and I'd take most into a ranked game without pause. Broaden your options and understanding before making big investments. Happy league-ing!

    14 august 2019 11:48 77

    aatrox es el mejor para mi

    18 august 2019 05:46 77

    Xayah and Rakan are probably two of the best 6300ip champs to buy

    19 august 2019 10:22 77

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