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    Free CSGO why?

    Hi,as all u know CSGO is free now.What do u think about that,do u think its good or its bad?

    22 january 2019 20:44 808

    I'd say going f2p is good for CS:GO. Because it can compete better with its p2w clones.
    Being f2p also means people can try it out without paying for it first and within the 2-hour refund time.

    While a lot of people say it'll create endless cheaters using obvious cheats, our favorite car manufacturer may be also using it to improve VAC, Trust Factor and Overwatch for the players who have no intention to cheat.

    23 january 2019 03:35 808

    Decision is good but it got way more hackers. Hackers wrecking whole casual & deathmatch games which is awful. But also it helped as most of the CS lovers who are restricted to spend money on games got their favourite game for free.

    23 january 2019 17:41 808

    To attract more players basically. Valve gets most of their revenue from skins, and more players means they might be able to convert some of them into paying customers for skins in the future. Even when the players do not buy anything, by selling drops, Valve still earn money anyway

    23 january 2019 18:00 808

    To attract more players basically

    26 january 2019 23:30 808

    To get more players. They will still earn money from skin crates

    27 january 2019 07:23 808

    becuse more player

    27 january 2019 10:18 808

    because more hax D:

    27 january 2019 14:56 808

    Csgo is free now because of hackers... Developers have decided to bifurcate hackers and non-hackers so that non hackers can peacefully enjoy their game ! No one would waste 1050₹ just to hack right?

    27 january 2019 15:26 808

    I know, it deafeats the purpose and there are hackers everygame.

    27 january 2019 17:54 808

    They tried doing it because they wanted fame,but they just bringed more hackers in

    27 january 2019 20:17 808

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