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    How it works

    Am I the only one who thinks the new dark harvest is weak

    You need to attack teammates with less than 50% and that makes stacking kinda hard and also you deal like 150 damage or something like that at 15-20 stacks.Really?It feels like it's good only on certainly champs like Karthus but overall I think it's kinda weak.

    4 january 2019 13:56 77

    Its not weak its still good but now its for laners not junglers also its very good for good burst champions like Zoe Nekko xd .If you have ~500 ap it adds bonus 150-200 dmg and that helps for killing dem kids xd

    7 january 2019 04:12 77

    Its so weak riot keeps screwing their game so much no clue why they are poor company

    24 january 2019 00:03 77

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