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    How it works

    Submitted article was rejected for "wrong language", despite being in English..

    And the "submit a ticket" function doesn't appear to actually allow a way to contact anyone about it.

    19 november 2023 18:50 1628

    I already did, and it was useless. It functions like a FAQ rather than a way to contact any actual support team,

    21 november 2023 03:20 1628

    I think the problem is that they rely upon the community to rate and moderate the submitted articles, who obviously can't be trusted to do so honestly and accurately.

    22 november 2023 00:30 1628

    I just had another rejected for "wrong language".

    23 november 2023 03:24 1628

    Hi guys, I understand your frustration with the article automated checking system. Rest assured, I'm checking with the team to address this issue. In the meantime, please consider reaching out to the support team through the following link for further concerns: https://company.gamehag.com/contact

    25 november 2023 01:31 1628

    I have completed game offers from AyteStudio, it shows ✓ mark as completed 400+ gems but no gems was added in my account, is it suppose to he pending ? if yes where is the list of it, if not why gems was not added yet
    I use earnweb. com , it is legit but im having hard time believing this site

    29 november 2023 21:26 1628

    open a ticket

    1 december 2023 15:00 1628

    I have this problem too. I wrote 7 articles following all the rules, but they were rejected because of "Wrong Language"

    22 december 2023 20:18 1628

    this website is freaking dead :)

    20 january 2024 16:48 1628

    It deserves to be.

    19 february 2024 20:26 1628

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