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    Can you stop being a toad?

    I hadn't used this site for a while. When I logged back in I found all my gems where gone and I'm a toad. I've been earning gems for more than a week but I can't get out of toad mode. I've searched around the site but can't find a solution. Is there anyway of changing out of toad?

    1 october 2023 19:31 1628

    yes. but there is only one way. you need to go through the prosess of getting xp. whitch is awfully hard

    3 october 2023 10:50 1628

    Is the "Toad system" still up? haven't been on here for awhile but as being level 2 Im not seeing myself being Toad where previously I used to be, unless it's shown somewhere else now.

    9 november 2023 16:55 1628

    I am apparently a toad, because i had no quests at all. Idk if you can, but i think you can stop being a toad.

    10 november 2023 21:54 1628

    by doing an task u wont be an toad anymore

    17 november 2023 13:38 1628

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