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    How to use Paypal code I won here?

    I won a 50$ paypal code from the free chest today. It's a 6 digit code. How can add it to my paypal account?
    I don't see a way to enter it anywhere at paypal.

    11 august 2023 15:58 1628

    I figured it out.
    It is an earnweb.com code.
    First I can't use it on my earnweb account because you can only use 1 code/account.
    I already used one such code. It was a code for 0.1 coin. That code appeared all the time on the site so I used it. So no more code of any kind can be used on my account.

    So I created another one. I used the 50$ paypal code and suprise it can only be redeemed if I earn more then 118 coin at their site.

    I don't see that happening so thanks for that...

    11 august 2023 19:00 1628

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