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    Rejected because I used my email to sign up for the tasks of league of angels III

    Hi , is anyone else being rejected because you played to complete the tasks of League of Angels III then you tried to download League of Angels II to find that there is no option to sign in. There is only option from gamehag to actually make a new account for playing league of angels II. This would be either to use a different email account to sign up or to use the desktop app that I used to play league of angels III from the desktop. The way I played was so I could use the same email address to play, but even though I completed the task I was rejected. What do I do? use a different email address or hope my reappeal is accepted?

    15 september 2018 23:46 807

    Hi, you need a new account, you can't use the same email with the same company as this would be an existing account (with the people who own both games)

    e.g. Neverwinter and Star Trek online are owned by Arcgames and need two different accounts/emails.

    This is my understanding anyway.

    16 september 2018 15:27 807

    The thing is the game runs alot smoother in the app.

    16 september 2018 19:22 807

    startrek is only running on my xbox one
    will neverwinter need the same graphiccard requirements?
    Does that mean i will need to use a separate account in arc for each game so i can complete the tasks in gamehag?
    Apparently gamehag let me pass on my task 1 of league of angels II. I guess you just have to explain why in a ticket so they understand.
    They really need to work on adding the option for sign in for players that use multiple games from the same server.

    17 september 2018 08:44 807

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