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    makes me wonder in 4-5 hours .

    a friend told me about gamehag .and how they good they are. they are retarted or blind? why they refuse every photo?

    12 september 2018 00:34 1628

    so explain to me gamehag.how many photos u want more for a task? next photo will be not nice! :P

    12 september 2018 00:45 1628

    If you have created a new account on the game, completed the task and your screenshot shows your username & the completed task you should be fine. The "system" may reject screenshots for some unknown reason - if that happens contact Misty.

    12 september 2018 01:07 1628

    in 22 wins now and they keep rejecting.how many times i have to contact misty? all other moderators are blind? or they support only europe? they should tell us that so we can judje them in UTUBE!
    im keeping all the photos for advice.and for alert. http://prntscr.com/ktbs2v
    a reminder that they cant fool people!!! over and out!!

    12 september 2018 01:12 1628

    the people are weirdos.im playing games to win something for my kid.and suddenly they change the rules.and they reject photos.what the ****?

    12 september 2018 01:32 1628

    I can't see a reason why they would reject your 3rd task, the screen looks fine to me.
    What was Misty's response? (replies vary from hours to a couple of days in my exp)

    12 september 2018 01:40 1628

    another satisfied customer!

    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :P

    12 september 2018 01:44 1628

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