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    I can't get my task accepted!

    I used chrome, incognito, cleared cache, started over for the third time but still rejected for the same reason! Not a new account! I hope somebody can help and illustrate how to make this work.

    12 february 2021 03:19 4291

    Writing many short replies will consider this conversation as spam, try to make your replies much longer please!

    I've opened a ticket and chatted with a customer support agent, he advised me to use incognito and clear cache, but I was rejected again!

    12 february 2021 03:43 4291

    Finally I finished all 3 tasks, YES!

    21 february 2021 03:58 4291

    Create a new account using the link Play for free and wait until the first battle tutorial starts and take a screenshot and submit

    21 february 2021 04:40 4291

    Don't use chrome, use edge and disable ad blocker if any.

    21 february 2021 04:42 4291

    Son't forget to set your username as gamehag username

    21 february 2021 04:43 4291

    * Create a new account using the link Play for free and keep playing until you get the double speed ability (which makes the battles run faster) and take a screenshot and submit.
    * Don't use chrome, use edge and disable ad blocker if any.
    * Don't forget to set your username as gamehag username.

    24 february 2021 04:19 4291

    what the....

    24 april 2021 08:40 4291


    27 april 2021 02:26 4291

    what the ****

    27 april 2021 06:35 4291

    I've reached lvl 13 and got rejected. Then I did it again. Reached 13. Rejected "again". I'm done with this game.

    4 may 2021 16:11 4291

    why should we use incognito? Like wat is the difference

    6 may 2021 18:08 4291

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