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    Amazon Gift Card

    I only received 1/3 of the Amazon Gift Cards and have waited patiently for almost 4 months and still did not get the rest of my gifts. Does anyone have the link for the support ticket, I have previously done this just to get 1/3 of my Amazon Gift Card which took me 2 months but the ticket has been closed automatically. I find it very oblivious of how there is no support apart from automated robot Misty.

    7 february 2021 12:54 1628

    Dont spam please

    7 february 2021 15:23 1628

    There is support besides automated replies, you can try selecting "I have a problem with the platform" > "Technical problem" >"Other" and write your problem out there. A support member will look at your issue within a few days. I hope you can get your problem sorted out.

    7 february 2021 16:42 1628

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