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    support tickets

    Is anyone else having issues with support tickets? I sent one 3 days ago and I've yet to get any reply from anyone at GH. I thought it was due to the holidays but even then 3-4 days seems like a very long wait about it. is anyone else having an issue with long waits for their ticket?

    26 december 2020 21:30 1628

    My Steam key for Project Druid - 2D Labyrinth Explorer- was also already claimed when I got it, but I didn't think it was worth it to open a ticket for it. I am more worried because I bought a reward on 24th and I am still waiting for it to be approved. Can somebody who bought a reward recently tell me how long they waited, especially if you bought a coupon od prepaid card or something?

    27 december 2020 09:34 1628

    most the time ive only had to wait little over 1 day for a reply, so this seems really odd. I am honestly tempted to make a second ticket asking but that can be spammy and I'd doubt it help if I am not the only one with this issue currently. (day 4-5 of waiting for a reply now)

    27 december 2020 19:49 1628

    Probably its just because of the holidays, Christmas is a big deal in Poland. I wish I could get my prize while there is still the Steam sale..

    28 december 2020 09:11 1628

    For me,support is pretty fast. ive tried using a support ticket before and they responded 2-3 days after. Its probs because its Christmas.

    29 december 2020 05:06 1628

    For me,support is pretty fast. ive tried using a support ticket before and they responded 2-3 days after. Its probs because its Christmas.

    29 december 2020 05:06 1628

    update: its 5/6 day mark of waiting and I just got the basic "make sure you made a new account" thing. my issue was with the task "Chief Almighty: First Thunder" which was to get to lvl 20 in game (didn't say anything about making an account, what to get to lvl 20). I got my player lvl up to 20 then submitted my task, said i needed to make a new account and as the task said nothing about that being a thing you had to do I simply bound my account then and resubmitted the task. ive submitted it a few times now because from the instructions i am given on the task page ive done everything correctly but as its been ~week+ I doubt I am going to even get any points for a task that took me ~2 weeks to finish up!

    29 december 2020 21:35 1628

    Update: my task has finally be accepted! that is a surprise but apparently every task on here implies even without saying you have to make a new account. closing this thread now but figured it needed a close :)) (took ~15 days of support after the week or so it took just to do the task for it to be accepted)

    7 january 2021 21:20 1628

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