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    War Thunder

    (4.29/5) 17476 rates

    Play and get

    2500 5500
    Soul Gems

    For 4 quests

    Register via the "PLAY FOR FREE" button, confirm your account in the email, and then Win 8 battles and destroy at least 3 enemies

    Is it just me or are these tasks easy???

    Do you think they are easy

    16 august 2018 23:34 11

    I dont know my warthunder is downloading

    18 august 2018 14:32 11

    It feels to me that you just have to put some time into the game and you'll eventually get it. I'll probably get my 30 wins before I hit Tank tier 4

    28 august 2018 05:45 11

    i get rejected how do i not get rejected

    28 august 2018 22:53 11

    Im going to try it

    28 august 2018 23:10 11

    Guess it wasn't that hard, just took some time.

    17 september 2018 13:28 11

    theyre not hard but they just take some time

    17 september 2018 17:26 11

    Yeah it's not that hard to do, just play a lot of games and you should be through them in no time

    18 september 2018 12:32 11

    They take time

    18 september 2018 17:40 11

    Very easy tasks.

    23 september 2018 10:47 11

    It may just be you, or the tasks may be easy.

    23 september 2018 10:59 11

    The tasks are quite easy, as said before, it's just a pain to hand them in and they take quite a lot of time to complete...

    23 september 2018 11:34 11

    Tasks are not easy, we are intelligent

    26 september 2018 06:57 11

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