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    TV zone and

    are there any limits for getting soul gems.

    1 december 2020 16:09 1628

    I do belive that there is a limit on how many you can earn if you don't complete any other tasks, I'm not 100% sure tho

    1 december 2020 16:14 1628

    yes, there's a limit. To continue earning sg from the tv zone you need to complete a task.

    2 december 2020 01:53 1628

    200SG is the limit. 100 in TV and 100 in App zone

    7 january 2021 20:28 1628

    200 SG TV zone daily limit, then some more and then you have earn SG from somewhere else to use to again.

    13 january 2021 11:33 1628

    200 SG for TV Zone and 100 App Zone is the Daily Limit.

    3 april 2021 11:18 1628

    Tv zone and what

    14 april 2021 09:26 1628

    on tv-sone you have a limit if you reach that you need to complete a task before you can get more from tv-sone

    26 april 2021 08:30 1628

    the limit is really 200? i think its atleast 400

    21 august 2022 16:43 1628

    i still get this problem. what do you mean fnish an another quest? join any group facebook or twitter gives 5 sg. is that enought? i guess not. is there any easy way to get sg?

    5 september 2022 09:45 1628

    tv zone doesnt seem to work for me after i watch it says congratutions you can recieve 1 sg then it says watch next video it doesnt give me anything

    5 september 2022 21:00 1628

    TV Zone doesn't load for me. Does anyone else have that problem?

    9 november 2022 02:19 1628

    Having the same problem. Haven't been able to get the TV Zone to load for a day or two now. In reponse to earlier posts, I reckon that the daily limit is 100SG for TV Zone. I'm at level 2.

    11 november 2022 02:59 1628

    is there a limit to how much you can earn SG from tv zone beacause there was a message saying i have to earn SG any other way to continue using TV zone.??

    11 november 2022 15:46 1628

    Does anyone know if you get experience from tv zone?

    16 october 2023 13:42 1628

    TV Zone doesn't load for me. Does anyone else have that problem?

    1 november 2023 11:58 1628

    TV zone also doesn't load for me

    4 november 2023 23:58 1628

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