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    How it works

    Is it worth to buy?

    What do we get from buying prime and are they worth it?

    19 november 2020 11:18 8487

    If I have understood correctly, prices vary per country so it is hard to say is it worth for you. Also, you can see a full list of content from their websites, but for me, the main benefits are:

    1) Some movies/series that are not included in Netflix

    2) Twitch Prime, mainly for me free sub to my favorite streamer (Not technically free, but it is included=

    3) Super fast deliveries for their Prime products. To be fair, this is the main reason for me to pay a monthly fee to Amazon Prime.

    So if you think it instead of Netflix maybe not worth it, but if more of the benefits fit for you, then it may be worth it.

    1 december 2020 19:23 8487

    If you're a student definitely. But I would say how often are you going to use music streaming, tv/film streaming, need free shipping, etc. If everything is already covered by other services there's not much point in it.

    10 january 2021 08:38 8487

    well it is worth to buy if you have much time to watch

    16 march 2021 15:52 8487

    yeah i think it is

    5 november 2021 16:49 8487

    I dont really have much time to watch but it seems to be great so i will try it out when i have free time on my hands.

    6 january 2022 15:46 8487

    it is worth to buy. free cargo

    7 january 2022 07:23 8487

    its not even available in my country

    7 january 2022 11:39 8487

    You even get like free Roblox stuff, prime video is way better than Australian Netflix

    5 february 2022 21:02 8487

    It is.. better then netflix if you are not in usa and you get few more stuff for free so.. definitely worth it.

    5 february 2022 21:57 8487

    yes it is

    11 january 2023 19:37 8487

    yes it is good

    21 april 2023 00:23 8487

    definitly worth it considering you het amazon prime for the site and prime video

    23 may 2024 16:57 8487

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