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    Did anyone notice how many people beg for Robux

    I get that it's a paid currency, but did you notice that people beg for robux more than people beg for example for LoL currency. It's probably bc of the amount of kids, what do you think?

    31 october 2020 15:24 2173

    yeah same i think that to

    1 november 2020 05:27 2173

    That is a huge problem. Everyone begs for bobux

    1 november 2020 15:26 2173

    yes it is annoying if they want it they should earn themselves robux

    1 november 2020 16:20 2173

    Yes, that's true! Maybe they just want some because they can't afford or earn it... It's pretty sad because they want some but can't get some... I really don't know how to transfer Robux or something so I don't know the point of begging XD It's just sad... IDK I'm kinda sad about it

    1 november 2020 16:49 2173

    Well, at least people can Redeem free robux here!

    1 november 2020 17:34 2173

    People should earn the robux instead of trying to fight for it, its just annoying

    1 november 2020 17:49 2173

    agreed lol

    3 november 2020 07:29 2173

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