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    How long does it take for Misty to reply to a ticket?

    I opened a ticket about the discord task not crediting. I'm curious how long it typically takes for tickets to be answered. If you ever sent Misty a ticket, how long did she take to reply?

    31 october 2020 03:12 1628

    you should get a reply within two days, usually after one day tbh. You could also purchase VIP and get better support there. But you just gotta wait for the discord task, it took like a week for them to verify mine.

    31 october 2020 20:08 1628

    i think u just has to wait

    1 november 2020 00:21 1628

    Thanks, I was waiting for about 2 days for a response but everything's sorted now. Thanks.

    1 november 2020 04:21 1628

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