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    How it works

    Do you use the gamehap app or website?

    Do you use the gamehag app or the website in a browser? Which do you think is better and why? The games don't seem to work for me in the browser but I haven't downloaded the app yet to try. Would appreciate some input!

    31 october 2020 02:42 1628

    the app is the only on I have tried and it works great. I recommend it, but I also don't know how good the website is. the games on the app work fine and there is minimal loading time. ☺️

    31 october 2020 06:06 1628

    They're the same but the app is more clean and I personally feel it's easier to use

    31 october 2020 06:58 1628

    oh that's interesting. lots of people have told me that the app is trash and the website is WAY better but I think the app is still pretty good lol

    31 october 2020 12:24 1628

    @camiblaho I haven't tried much of the app yet, but the mini games say I need to do tasks in order to earn SG first even though I had done a task (tv zone also says this on the website after completing said task so idk if there is a minimum amount that needs to be earned or what) but the app also has app zone where you can watch ads for SG which does work. I've hit the limit for how much I could earn today though but it's not telling me to do a task so tomorrow may be better. I did however have an issue with the app on my phone where it got into a state that caused the phone to restart every time I opened the app, but clearing cache seemed to fix it, for now at least.

    3 november 2020 00:42 1628

    i use website since i wont try the app on phone bc i would rather do it only on pc since its easier 9if the app is on pc then mb but even then i d prefer the browser than an independent app on my taskbar)

    5 october 2023 18:43 1628

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