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    Refund refund refund

    So is anything claimable in this site or is it just on big scam, so far every game key or gift i ordered has gotten refunded. What am i supposed to do with SG i cant use ????

    30 july 2018 18:22 1628

    the thing that really troubles me is trying to claim a prize and then the day i'm supposed to get it, i get a refund and the item shows as "unavailable" ??? Like *** is it there or not ?don't advertise a prize that you can't get ! thats just lying !

    30 july 2018 21:06 1628

    3rd times the charm. if i can't get a single prize off this site it's a scam.

    31 july 2018 11:19 1628

    FINALLY got an item, it's not at all what i wanted but f*** at least i got rid of these dam gems, only took me a week and a half !

    31 july 2018 11:25 1628

    Glad you finally got something.

    31 july 2018 23:20 1628

    lol this is funny

    4 november 2020 14:23 1628

    But you got steam wallet though

    4 november 2020 14:47 1628

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