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    Task Rejected, but it's valid

    Does anyone else task get rejected for not a good reason?

    2 october 2020 07:17 1628

    Rail Nation Task 1 - Get your bank to level 4, screenshot to verify. 2 hours later, completed. The screenshot is clear, showing the bank at lvl 4, however was still rejected.

    2 october 2020 07:19 1628

    2nd attempt: Same process, except I show my name on the screenshot of the Rail Nation Account. Task still failed for "Not being a new account", even though it was created from 4 hours ago.

    2 october 2020 07:20 1628

    do you have an ad blocker or vpn? because I had it and that's why they said they couldn't track my progress. So I'm trying again for a war thunder task with my adblockers completely deactivated and I'll tell you how it goes

    2 october 2020 20:30 1628

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