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    Should I get back into this game?

    From what I remeber, have around 400+ hours in warframe but I left because of the shear lack of content. But with the new update I'm thinking about getting back into the game. Is it worth it?

    4 august 2020 18:03 2154

    I'd say wait till a week after August 25th, which is when Heart of Deimos launches, and then decide based on reviews.

    5 august 2020 20:06 2154

    I completely stopped playing Warframe. I played for over 3000 hours which is a lot. When I saw the new open world coming, I did not feel the excitement I had when I played the game so I decided quit. It is not because the game is bad, I just do not want to play it anymore.

    5 august 2020 22:10 2154

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