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    Veteran's Chest - How to open?

    I received a "Veteran's Chest" recently, however, I can't seem to open it. How do you open the this chest?

    I can see the Open the chest button, but clicking it simple results in a message by Misty: "You can only open the chest once you earn an additional SG in games after 2020-06-12."
    But, how many SGs, is just one enough ("an additional SG")? Which games? Gamehag site, or some specific game?

    Has anyone managed to open it yet?

    13 june 2020 13:12 1628

    In order to open this chest, you need to collect at least 100 SG from the time you last opened a promotional chest. thats what mine says

    13 june 2020 13:25 1628

    Thanks jesse12341, now I feel even more confused:
    1 - how come it says different things for us?
    2 - which chests are considerd "promotional chest"?
    3 - I have collected more than 100 SGs since I last opened ANY chest, yet I can't open it

    13 june 2020 13:40 1628

    Hey guys, let me solve your issue.

    VETERAN'S CHEST is a special reward for completing all 3 full tasks of the new event of Gamehag (Great Battle). So, we can not open it unless we perfectly complete all of them. The reason we see this "Error" is: A simple incorrect message which should be fixed by the GH team. If you want to know more about this event check it here:


    13 june 2020 13:46 1628

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