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    How it works

    Short information

    is this game Legendary like the name? is game logic strategy? how long have you been playing? what would you like to say to a new player? how much do you like this game? how many hours do you need to play at least? can you run a short analysis? what are the general settings and logic of the game? if you are going to do a ranking, what is the rank of this game? and why? I'd appreciate it if you answered.

    31 may 2020 14:54 7066

    1. not really.
    2. no strategy. Just luck to get better equipment, characters.
    3. few weeks
    4. DO NOT SPEND MONEY! try it out first
    5. 5/10
    6. probably 5. It is one hour per day.
    7. no
    8. grind or pay
    9. fun pay to win game
    10. it is possible to get far withput paying, but needs a lot of time.

    31 may 2020 18:53 7066

    Saw this game in an ad recently. I thought they stopped trying to advertise the game. At one point almost all the youtubers were sponsered by this game. I bet they lost a lot of money since many dont think its a very fun game

    31 may 2020 18:54 7066

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