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    Any help on how to publish a good article?

    I need some help to make a good article, please comment.

    17 may 2020 11:27 1628

    There are some tips that can help you to make a good article: 1) Use BOLD topics to separate your texts - 2) Use enough pictures (with the same size) - 3) Use text breaks between your texts - 4) The punctuation of your article is important - 5) Try to make it interesting for readers and more...

    17 may 2020 14:35 1628

    I before made article, Used BOLD topics, didn't put picture (just to not put a CS:GO trading site picture) and it still got accepted, had no mistakes and more stuff.. I also accidentally got a bit of a bad picture with the quality after I published the article I found a better picture.. Also, I could've done a picture.

    17 may 2020 15:41 1628

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