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    How it works

    Guessing game

    high risk high reward game that requires of you to reach level 3 in order to play where you put a token worth either 100 200 or 500 soul gems on one of the three colors white blue or yellow and if fortune smiles upon you then you win double the amount back. what are the chances - white and blue 45 % each and yellow only 10% because it is the most rewarding one important note - NOT RECOMMENDED for new members or those who have earned a low amount of soul gems

    3 march 2018 10:21 1628

    all depends on luck, somehow I earned nearly 5k with that, but remember don't lose it all if you need it for something else

    3 march 2018 20:50 1628

    all depends on luck, somehow I earned nearly 5k with that, but remember don't lose it all if you need it for something else

    3 march 2018 20:58 1628

    why isn't there function like to delete your own post?

    3 march 2018 21:11 1628

    thx for the info and your answer, it really helps a lot!

    3 march 2018 22:51 1628

    Nice info but guessing game isn't available in all countries.

    4 march 2018 08:41 1628

    do you lose your SG?

    10 september 2018 22:41 1628

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