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    How it works

    Why rejected?

    I completed the 5 wins, i got the soul gems for it. Now i completed the 10 wins, and it gets rejectef but i don't know why. I need to win other 10 games, so the all wins may be 15 or what?

    30 april 2020 19:46 11

    I have, so i dont know why It rejects me

    30 april 2020 20:01 11

    All three worked for me, and I followed the same steps as you did. I also made my resolution 1280x720 to help the people that are accepting the offer see better.

    5 may 2020 01:03 11

    Also, was your name in-game somewhat similar to your username here? and try not to crop only one spot of the screen, GET THE WHOLE THING!

    5 may 2020 01:03 11

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