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    Getting rewards

    Why does it take so long to get reward I ordered? 5€ Steam Wallet card was ordered 20 days ago and I still haven't received it? I know that they have to buy reward and that sometimes they run out of stock, but seriously it can't be that hard get it.

    10 january 2018 23:44 1628

    Yep I know that, but I've also heard that some people dont get their reward even after 31 days.... so Im a bit scared hahahah

    11 january 2018 13:19 1628

    If you don't get your reward you get refunded (AFAIK) with popular giftcards (e.g. steam GCs) they have trouble with supply/demand, if they can't meet demand within the 31 days so you get refunded... I think...

    11 january 2018 13:43 1628

    Thats what I am scared of, waiting so long to get nothing, then ordering again..... and after all that time same thing could happen.......

    11 january 2018 13:56 1628

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