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    choose of camouflage season for tier 6?

    What is the best camouflage season choose for tier ? I mean, which are the most frequent season of random maps for tier 6? Winter? Summer? Or desert? Thank you!

    16 december 2017 22:35 1


    17 december 2017 13:09 1

    You camo all three seasons, not just one. Use the free camo that WG gave out.
    Additionally, you only need to put camo on the hull to gain the concealment benefit.

    19 december 2017 00:03 1

    Doesn't summer, winter, dessert, the there key words ring a bell to you?

    19 december 2017 00:03 1

    Ideally, you'd want a set of camo for each season, though you only need to paint the hull (can ignore turret/gun for concealment purposes). Summer is far and above the most common map type (29), followed by winter (7), and then desert (3) has the fewest... More options if you enable encounter/assault/both.

    19 december 2017 00:03 1

    I dont get it. Can I paint summer, winter, and dessert all to get all the 3% improvement of concealment? Or I can only paint one?

    19 december 2017 00:04 1

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